My ridiculous Life

You get a call from your family doctor
And they say
"Dr *#*# has asked us to see you immediately. Can you come in next Wednesday?"
You make the arrangements wondering why this need for an immediate consultation, but alas the soonest they can see you is in 6 days.

Instead of just worrying it to death, you instead call Dr *#*# who in fact is an associate to your own specialist, where you get a machine. Of course. So, you hang up and call your own specialist and the receptionist has no idea what you are talking about.
Then when you finally reach someone 2 days later, they tell you "it's your kidneys"

Ok, at least it narrowed the field from a bazillion to one.

The day of your appointment, you are ready. Loads of questions, and ready for the worst. Your Dr says
"don't worry. Normal numbers are from 60 to 120 and you are at 102. Dialysis is 220. Calm down and let's run some tests"

You leave with a sense of relief, but when you call to book those tests, they advise you that June 12the (well over a month away) is the soonest you can get in.

And that's ok, because you are going to see your specialist in 2 days. He'll fix this.

When you arrive at the specialist, he is very  apologetic about the whole thing. Apparently,
"Your kidney numbers have looked like this for 2 years!! There is no real concern, just a little error."

That's been 1 week of my life.
All over an error.

Ye gads..........


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