May 25th 2019

A little disheartening
When you wake up to rain.


With the weird weather
We have been having...
We could have a one hour
heat wave later this morning!
Weird weather versus recent years.

I had coffee yesterday morning
With the girls
And then we hit
A bunch of garden centers.

Thanks to Briwood, Canadian Tire
And Real Canadian Superstore..
I have citronella plants,
A bunch of trailing ivy,
Marigolds, vegetables, soil
And a 4' tomato!!!!!

Also got John hickory wood chips
So he can try out his smoker today.

Ended the day
Being silly at a disney themed
Game playing, food centerd party.

If it clears up,
I will be planting.

If not,
I have some sewing and scrapbooking
To do as well as
A front porch of "Stuff" to sort.

Unless I run away
And go shopping!

Good morning from John Street


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