May 23rd 2019

A rainy morning.

Today is coffee with Dad day.
Not sure what treat I am bringing,
But I am slowly narrowing
The avenues I could take.

Had a good time at LDO
Showing a few people
How to paper tole some flowers.
Then I Learned an alcohol ink technique
I Managed to finish 6 pages too.

Home I was a lump.
I did make bbq chicken wraps
With rice and veggies for supper,
And I did some laundry.

I'd like a project today.
Something time consuming
And brain usingly complicated.

I also have to come up with
An interesting Disney themed
Potluck dish.....

Well, 9am.
Time to get moving.
John will be home soon
And want this whole bed.

Good morning from John Street


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