May 28th 2019

Well I accomplished TONS
Of sewing projects yesterday,
But at a cost of....
I am sooooo sore today.

All chair pads outside
Have new covers.
I need a pit stop tomorrow
At lens mills for some
John Deere yellow webbing
But otherwise, I am done for now.

The next job
Is find a yellow umbrella
A bright yellow umbrella
Or some fabric paint to recolour
The faded one I have here!

The planting is John's job.

I do have to get my house ready
For Thursday's Epicure party,
So I will be post it noting again.

I have been teased A LOT
About my post it note wall(s)
But I assure you... it works!!!
Put each person's post its
Where they are most likely to see
Many times during the day.

John's are in the back bathroom window!
(Any port in a storm)

Mine go on the front door.

It definitely stops arguments about
Just what needs to get done!
If I said out loud that the garage doors
Needed a coat of paint,
There would be a "discussion"
About who should do it.
I threw it on a post it,
And 2 days later - he did it!

Well I need to be semi-productive
At least - today.
That and John will want this bed soon!

Good morning from John Street


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