April 25


It's funny...
I have been so busy
I have not had time to even
Attempt to contemplate
That in 2 days I will be
Half of a century old!
5 decades have gone by
While I have been alive!

I am so focused on celebrating
The very fact that I have made it
To this milestone
I have no time to dwell
On just how long that really is!

I know myself, and many others
Doubted I would see this birthday

Just 7 short years ago!

To pessimists,
I have lost months, no years
To this abhorrent disease.
I have lost parts of my years
Due to heavy medications,
And missed a lot of Judy's childhood.
I never fulfilled my dreams
Of owning a business.

To me...
I realized just how special
My husband really is!
That he came into this relationship
Knowing this would not be easy
And ignored me when I told him
To run far and fast.
I know who the friends are
That I can turn to in crisis,
And know they will do everything
They can to get someone to listen
(Or make sure everything is covered
When the drugs leave you
Less abashed than usual).
I can be happy for the many short,
And occasional long periods
Of remission and the fact that
I have medical coverage
For the drugs I need.
I am happy my disease is not
A worst case scenario,
And there are treatments to help me.
I am grateful that I can still walk,
Talk and do things I enjoy.
I am pleased (and a little shocked)
That we have been able to maintain
A home in such a pretty little city.

I guess my gratefuls list
Could go on and on...
So I think good won out
Over the bad in my first decade!

In just 26 hours....
It will be time to work on the next decade.

Job #1 is to take control.

Job #2 is to take back my life.

Job #3 is to evaluate the situation.

Job #4 is to keep detailed accounts.

Job #5 is to remember I am not alone.

Job #6 is to enjoy.

Good night from John Street


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