April 21


My energy came in spurts today.
Up after 9,
Stripped and remade the bed
And headed down for breakfast.

A few clean up chores
And I found a movie to watch.

When John finally got home,
He loaded all the empties
Into the car for return.

About 3pm
I went back to it.
Went out and got beer,
Got the groceries,
Washed my car,
Went home and grabbed John's car
So it could be gassed up
And washed too.

Home for a bit,
And then off to a meeting cute night
With the girls at Pam's.

Job #1 is to take control.
Job #2 is to take back my life.
Job #3 is to evaluate the situation.
Job #4 is to keep detailed accounts.
Job #5 is to remember I am not alone.
Job #6 is to enjoy.

Came home exhausted!
Tomorrow is church
and then lunch at Valleyview
So we are off to bed.

Good night from John Street


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