April 11


I spent today (all day)
Fully dressed and awake.

The obstruction has passed
And pain is greatly reduced.

I spent today like it was
A redo of April 28th 2011!
That was the day before my body
Sent itself to hell.

My last meal before the attack
That actually happened on April 29th
Was dry cheerios
Partly in fear and partly
Because I was too lazy...
And did not expect them
to take away food
for the next 4+ months either.

Today would NOT be like that!

I woke and had scrambled eggs
and toast which had made
The short list I had made.
Lunch was a small bowl
Of spaghetti and meatballs
Which also made the list.
I wanted homemade Mac and cheese
But that scared me a little too much!
Last night I had the brocolli,
Cauliflower and cheese soup
Which was on the list.

John was very kind
And at 8:30 ran out to subway
For a Philly steak and cheese sub!
NO lettuce! Hahhahahahhahah

My day consisted of sitting
And doing very little.
Mom came and exchanged
my cooling pillow (which was stinky)
Back to the store to exchange
For 2 brand new feather pillows.

John and I relaxed
Not focusing on tomorrow
And just enjoying tonight
While watching cooking shows.

Bed soon.
Appointment is not until 1pm.

Breakfast is.... Pancakes maybe.

Bags are packed and ready
With all paperwork and meds.
Fingers crossed.

In, find out what it is,
Come up with a plan, fix it
And move on to my birthday!

Good night from John Street


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