April 2


How can it have been 4 months
since Christmas and new years already?

Bit of a lazy day for me.
Nothing to report that I accomplished.
I slept in until 11am,
And here I am in bed 12 hours later.

Made a delicious supper tonight!
I pan fried sausage (cut up)
With bacon, onions and peppers
AND the perogies!

John was chilling this afternoon,
After spending the morning cleaning
Heeheehee while I slept!
Now he is off to train guys
To do his run when we head off
To weddings and vacations
This year!

Lucky me,
April's calendar works out so
I get 2 Remicade infusions this month.

So I am off to bed.
Ugly o'clock will be calling
Sooner than I want it too!

Good night from John Street


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