May 29th 2020

Hello from the wonderful world
Of do-nothing day!

I stayed in bed late,
I accomplished very little,
But may have flattened my butt
Another inch or so.

I did sit outside
With both kitties leashed -
For over an hour today.
I did "think" about doing laundry.
I did "think" about crafting.
I did "think" about cleaning.

Soon enough
I made those thoughts disappear
While john was being
His goofy self
And the cats were in a playful mood.

We had pulled pork tacos tonight
And I highly recommend it!

Watched a Netflix series, 
Treated both cats for fleas,
Loaded (and started) the dishwasher
And now it's bedtime.

Good night from "laziness central"
 Here on John Street


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