November 6th 2014

Some days, like yesterday, kick you in the butt.... over and over. The truth of the matter is. Judy did not get into RMC for the fall 2015 term. Boooooooo. BUT!I am a firm believer that when a part of your dream (because that is only a very small part of the actual dream of being IN the military) does not come true, maybe you should look more carefully at how you are actually approaching your dream.

RMC would be amazing. I do not think there is a better place for Judy than there. I understand why it broke her heart to receive that email. BUT............... RMC means coming out as an officer. A paper pusher. A staff member far removed from any of the "fun" stuff she loves. So, maybe, this was not the right path.

I advised her to take a week to mourn the loss. To feel bad and mad and sad. Then, next week, write down everything she wants to do.

Does she want to be the person looking at paperwork deciding whom will tell whom to shoot the gun
OR to be the one training the staff to shoot guns
OR the one who maintains the guns.....................

or does she just want to be the one shooting guns and jumping out of planes and blowing stuff up?

There are still so many option for her to explore, and she is only 17. She has lots of time to figure this all out. She has many doors to open. She WILL be in the military, because that is her dream..... but maybe she needs to take a moment and find out WHERE in the military she actually is dreaming of being.

We are very proud of the way she handled this,
especially since there was a formal parade at cadets the same day she found out.
She was awesome.
She is awesome.
She will always be awesome.......

Then there are days like today,
where everything went so well.
I had a great, exhausting, wonderful, fun day.

I was up and at 'em early this morning. Picked up Aunt Sandra and went shopping at Penningtons. You know some days EVERYTHING you try on looks pretty good. So it was hard to choose. I bought a pair of jeans, 2 new shirts and a Christmas blouse. I am happy with ALL of it.

We then headed over to buy .......... oops can't say! Judy reads my blog! So suffice it to say she will LOVE her Christmas gift from me this year!

We then stopped off at Golden Griddle where I introduced Aunt Sandra to their breakfast buffet........ mmmmmmmmmmm We were very very full when we left.

Back to St Thomas, and I stopped at the bank, found out we are richer than we think (and we don't even bank with Scotiabank! hahahahhaha) paid all the bills, took Aunt Sandra to Shoppers and then dropped a very tired old woman home.

BUT! I was having a lot of fun. So off to Superstore to get dog food. Found some clearance deals, another gift for Judy, and some new candles. To my disappointment they are not as fragrant as the ones I bought at Michaels. Then it was off to WalMart. I BROUGHT my Christmas planner so I gathered up some repair materials that we had listed! YAY me. I found a couple more gifts, like pickled brown onions for my Dad, and then I had to call it quits. I was pooped.

I came home, added my gifts to the ongoing list of prebought gifts, and put them away. I was in need of sitting for an hour because TONIGHT WAS QUARTERPALOOZA night....... We always have so much fun at these and I won 2 times.  My exhausting day was worth every tylenol I will have to take tonight and tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow night is the Berry Hill Open House. That is always a fun night.

Time for the next 8 ideas to make your holiday amazing.

  • If you are short of space, set up a card table and put a plaid table cloth that reaches the floor. Tuck all your wrapping supplies under it
  • Take a family member to a production of the Nutcracker Suite
    (ALWAYS wanted to do this)
  • Take your family to a church choir's performance of Handel's Mesiah
    (or a local choir event)
  • Before bed on Christmas eve,
    read by candle light the birth of Jesus in Luke chapter 2 and sing Silent Night
    (we used to take turns saying the night before christmas without making mistakes)
  • Personalize your Christmas cards with a short hand written note
    (and sign in red or green ink)
  • Don't forget our feathered friends during the holidays.
    Spread peanut butter on pine cones then roll in birdseed and hang near a window
    (great kids craft... ziploc bag them, tie a ribbon.... instant gifts)
  • Tie jingle bells on shoelaces
    (everyone's shoes)
  • When you think your have enough lights on the tree, add 2 more strings
    (cause when you sit down and look you will wish you had)
Even though my plans for today were ANYTHING but what I did, I am so happy the day turned out so well. Judy and I had a late dinner of chicken burgers... and now I must go to bed.

Good night


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