November 24th 2014
I woke up in a bad mood today. No real reason. Just a lot of small, irritating stuff, happened yesterday and today started off with me in an unhappy frame of mind. Then I realized I should...

I have lots.
I live comfortably.
I have lots of people who care.
Then after telling a couple people I was in this mood, I sat back and watched my favourite inspiring video.
If you have not watched it - please do.
If you have watched it - watch it again.
It is my motivational video.
It helps me whenever I become too stressed or bogged down or worried....
So, I put into perspective what was bothering me!
What if anything could I do to change them?!?!
So I decided to forgive the check out girl who was so nasty last night. She did not deserve yesterday's jelly bean!!!
I decided to focus on planning the party not worry about it. Why give up my perfectly good jelly bean for today???
I decided to BE excited about my new Mickey purse. A perfect place to carry my future jelly beans!!!
I also decided to take John up on his offer and go out for lunch!
I came home in a better mood, I also found plenty of shipments of ebay purchases on my door step too! I am quite happy that some are arriving sooner than expected as they are gifts!
I remembered, how many people have much less than I do, and more reason to be in a bad mood today. No really good reason for me. An unhappy frame of mind can easily be changed by just looking at something you love. I have lots of those somethings.

On the other hand......
I was tested again today while I was chasing our new garage across the yard in the high winds late this afternoon!!!!!!!! Judy came in screaming and I wondered what she was trying to tell me, so out the back door to watch our brand new $800 car garage fly into our fence and the hammok stand rip through the roof of it.
We tried to hold it down, opened the ends to allow wind through and just as we thought we had worked it out a big wind came up and
across the yard. Judy came screaming over as I lay disoriented in the mud. I was terrified I had broken my arm, but it is all good. I am just bruised up a bit. THANKFULLY my knight on a white horse Dennis came to our rescue and had the equipment to tie it down. Judy and I are suffering from some pretty sore muscles tonight! This was the ONLY photo I dared to take....... at one point the wind was literally lifting us and the garage off the ground........ It is going to be a weird winter for sure.
Thank goodness for small favors.... the garage was built to house the antique Essex and although it got a few small scratches, no glass or lights were broken. Unfortunately it will have to be exposed to the elements until John gets home.
We did manage to go out and get all the laundry done, including all our christmas blankets, pillows, kitchen accessories, tree skirts etc. A late supper of perogies and we are off to bed. Tomorrow is Remikade.
Another 8 simple ideas tonight
Good night
I woke up in a bad mood today. No real reason. Just a lot of small, irritating stuff, happened yesterday and today started off with me in an unhappy frame of mind. Then I realized I should...

I have lots.
I live comfortably.
I have lots of people who care.
Then after telling a couple people I was in this mood, I sat back and watched my favourite inspiring video.
If you have not watched it - please do.
If you have watched it - watch it again.
It is my motivational video.
It helps me whenever I become too stressed or bogged down or worried....
So, I put into perspective what was bothering me!
What if anything could I do to change them?!?!
So I decided to forgive the check out girl who was so nasty last night. She did not deserve yesterday's jelly bean!!!
I decided to focus on planning the party not worry about it. Why give up my perfectly good jelly bean for today???
I decided to BE excited about my new Mickey purse. A perfect place to carry my future jelly beans!!!
I also decided to take John up on his offer and go out for lunch!
I came home in a better mood, I also found plenty of shipments of ebay purchases on my door step too! I am quite happy that some are arriving sooner than expected as they are gifts!
I remembered, how many people have much less than I do, and more reason to be in a bad mood today. No really good reason for me. An unhappy frame of mind can easily be changed by just looking at something you love. I have lots of those somethings.

On the other hand......
I was tested again today while I was chasing our new garage across the yard in the high winds late this afternoon!!!!!!!! Judy came in screaming and I wondered what she was trying to tell me, so out the back door to watch our brand new $800 car garage fly into our fence and the hammok stand rip through the roof of it.
We tried to hold it down, opened the ends to allow wind through and just as we thought we had worked it out a big wind came up and
across the yard. Judy came screaming over as I lay disoriented in the mud. I was terrified I had broken my arm, but it is all good. I am just bruised up a bit. THANKFULLY my knight on a white horse Dennis came to our rescue and had the equipment to tie it down. Judy and I are suffering from some pretty sore muscles tonight! This was the ONLY photo I dared to take....... at one point the wind was literally lifting us and the garage off the ground........ It is going to be a weird winter for sure.
Thank goodness for small favors.... the garage was built to house the antique Essex and although it got a few small scratches, no glass or lights were broken. Unfortunately it will have to be exposed to the elements until John gets home.
We did manage to go out and get all the laundry done, including all our christmas blankets, pillows, kitchen accessories, tree skirts etc. A late supper of perogies and we are off to bed. Tomorrow is Remikade.
Another 8 simple ideas tonight
- Don't forget ornament hooks
- Don't forget extension cords
- Don't forget eggnog
(or chocolate milk) - To help it stay fresh, trim 1" off the bottom of your bought tree before placing it in the stand. Check the water everyday
- Give your tree a second life by ensuring it becomes mulch
- Include a family photo in Christmas cards to family
(not this year {sigh}) - Let a child decorate a small tree in their room just the way they like it
- Don't leave your packages visible in your vehicle. Always store them in the trunk
(I repack my small purchases into my re-useable shopping bags when I get to the truck)
Good night
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