November 13th 2014

Today, although I was up early (like 6am), I am still hanging around online at 10:30pm.

I accomplished a lot today. I had a very long list, and a horrible cough that ended up making me lose most of my voice. I am catching up effectively but not very quickly. I am hoping that having John home tomorrow will get some of the post it notes down.

I also accomplished making a few homemade gifts today and framed some prints (finally). I could only accomplish light, less intense jobs to keep my cough at bay.

Tomorrow is also the start of Heritage Gardens Christmas Open House. Maybe I can convince John to take me and get my Christmas amarylis.

I am hoping for some sleep tonight.... just a few hours at least.

Another day of 8 amazing ideas.

  • Learn to say Merry Christmas in several languages
  • Design and mail a homemade card to each family member
  • Attend a church bazaar and buy something if you need it or not
  • Send a couple friends a pre-Christmas gift of Harry Connick Jrs "where my heart finds Christmas"
  • Begin a family Christmas journal, write down memories your family shares, events you attend, presents you give/receive and any crisis that occurs
  • Buy a hot glue gun to help in creating holiday decorations
    (and a bottle of super glue to make repairs)
  • Give an annonymous gift of money to someone who has been laid off
  • Start a collection of Christmas ornaments for each child, adding one each Christmas

Good night


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