November 20th 2014

Some days are up and down and up and down.

I got up and was dressed and out the door by 9am. I invested in a brand spanking new snow brush after fighting with the ancient piece of crap I had in the truck and 2 feet of snow.  I also got the 10 packages of tree lights I was there for. No more fighting with the old ones..... just replace them all.

I spent the afternoon getting small jobs around the house done, and had supper on the table in time for John to arrive. We finally filled out our goofy Christmas lists, and decided who was doing what after John got a shower.

All the green garlands and trees are finally upstairs. We even found the 1/2 tree and gave it a new purpose.

By the end of the night John, Judy and I had:

one lit and tinsel garlanded 9` living room tree.
I have one lit 8` dining room tree and one unlit 6`dining room tree.
I have one unlit 8` kitchen tree,
1 lit 7`front porch tree
and 1 lit 4` bathroom tree.
I still have a 3`singing tree (going above the cupboards with my giant snowman),
1 silver 4` tree
and 1 white tree on the back deck that will become a snowman tomorrow.
I KNOW I HAVE 3 table top trees too.
but they have not surfaced yet.
The floors are swept and furniture back where it belongs.

It was a big job but we can take the weekend off once what is up here is completely finished and the totes brought back downstairs. Next week we will go back to one box at a time. For now I will be really happy having the trees up and lit. So now the jobs tomorrow are the archway garland and lighting the last of the trees.

I am also heading in to see Connie and get my new holiday hairdo...... got 2 possibilities! No decision is final until I get there at 9:30 am. Judy is just getting a trim.

Then it is back to Giant Tiger for a few more lights and some groceries.

I am really happy I still have any energy to do anything right now. Remikade in 4 days. (already???)

Another 8 awesome ideas to consider

  • The week before Christmas talk with your children about the first Christmas and how it affected the world
  • Offer refreshments to carolers who come to your door
  • Christmas Eve Day listen to the special musical program from Kings College Chapel, Cambridge
  • Create a special Christmas morning breakfast and serve it yearly
  • Save a copy of your child's letter to Santa and put them in an album
  • If your parents live far away, video tape your family decorating the tree for them to enjoy
  • Take the initiative, don't wait for someone else to spread Christmas joy
  • Take turns opening gifts on Christmas morning. If it is clothing, ask for a modeling of it
Good night


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