November 21st 2014

So today I chose to spend "with" Judy. We went and got our hair done, did a little shopping at the mall, had lunch, got some groceries and some supplies for Sunday's nail party. I got her home JUST in time to get ready for work. It was fun.

John came home and made a pasta dinner, and we relaxed on the sofa.

Gonna make it an early night. My teenager wore me out today. Tomorrow looks promising!

But not before I leave you with another 8 ideas...

  • Have a florist deliver an arrangement to a long distance friend or relative
  • Throughout the holiday give your family the gift of a sweet disposition
  • Help your child make red and green paper chains and let them decorate their room
  • Tie a red plaid bow on your pets collar
  • Try the Swedish custom of writing a short, lighthearted poem on the gift card that half reveals the contents of the gift
  • Reserve a night for the whole family to make homemade decorations
  • If a party requires a suit or tuxedo, wear a sprig of holly on your lapel
  • Stock your freezer with meals by doubling or tripling spaghetti sauce, casseroles and other recipes that freeze well in the weeks leading up to Christmas

Good night


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