November 16th 2014

What is it about being alone that can be as annoying as it can be equally relaxing?

When I am busy, I dread going and going and going like the energizer bunny. BUT when I get some time to myself, I sit bored after a very short time?

John had a weird day off this week, so I had a weekend alone. Judy was here but worked each night, so all of a sudden I had 2 nights "off". Nothing to do, no where to be, no one to "take" somewhere.... as relaxing as it sounds I was not enjoying it.
HAHHAHAHA I guess I am built for speed not comfort.
John has been home a lot lately and it is interfering with my usual weekly chores. Although he did work like crazy to get stuff done on friday for me, that does not help me get the "regular" chore list done, and being sick did not help either. Going to have to have a serious attack on my to do list sometime this week.

I am super impressed with my Christmas organizer so far. We are at the 1/2 way mark and basically I have stayed caught up. The chore post its are coming down fairly quickly and some of the GREAT big jobs, I plan to divide down tomorrow, so it will be handle-able.

This stupid cold is still hanging on. The symptoms are so pathetic, just on going. The cough is awful (when it happens) and my eyes are super tired. That's it. I shouldn't complain but it is just hanging on..... I always feel drained and it is SOOOOOO hot wearing the mask wen I go out, but better than inadvertently giving this to others.

Grocery day today..... I could have used 2 carts but my ass-istant was not in a great mood. I got everything on the list and stocked up a few cupboards. I spent a small fortune. This week I am doing a freezer inventory and getting it ready for the "season". I still have a bit of cupboard stock to get, but was in the wrong store today. Hopefully I will get to the others this week.

I am hoping that at LEAST 1 or 2 days this week, someone is up to challenge me on FB. The chats are nice, but I have a lot to do before the holidays.

I love that we post things we've done as we do them, a lot of times I read what someone has done and think..... I haven't done that in a while.....and get up and do it too! I have very inspiring friends.

I think I will suggest a specific challenge day...... ooooooh! Like every 1/2 hour we check in and a different person MAKES the challenge. I love it. In no way can you prepare for a challenge to guarantee success.... for instance,
and I am not saying I do this but.....

on a daily challenge conversation, one could go into the kitchen with the idea of doing the dishes, and choose to sweep the floor and clean the microwave while they were there. Then go back and while stroking off "do dishes" write in the other 2 chores they just did......... just so they could stroke them out too.........

No, I don't think that's stupid!
I think it is brilliant. I love at the end of a day, having a messed up scratched off disaster of a list almost as much as I like having a nice neat one in the morning!
AND in fact they had actually done the chore, just "forgot" to write it down on the to do list.

My truck is all checked out, fluids topped and tires inflated. Got new anti freeze in it today.

John is back on the road tonight. Tis the season of "swearing" so please be gentle with the "news" of the accidents and storms. I don't want to sit here worried. Stress is a major factor of Crohn's.  I don't want to know about them. I really do like living in a hazy world of not knowing. It works for me.

I need some specific plans for my decorating. So!!!!!!! If anyone is up for a cheesecake and coffee meet up at coffee cultures this week to organize their calendars..... I am in. Not sure yet if 7 trees are going up yet this year..... but I have not yet ruled it out.

8 more amazing ideas!

  • Relax on Christmas afternoon by looking at photos or videos from past Christmases
  • Listen to the barking dogs sing jingle bells at least once
  • Before buying a gift over $25 check the stores return policy (always tape copies of the receipt to the actual gift to help out whomever is getting it..... especially on DVD and CD purchases)
  • Take a batch of goodies to share at the office with your co-workers
  • Put something Christmassy in every room of your home
  • Remember that Christmas carols sound better when you hear them sung by a church choir
  • Take photos of your children's Christmas program and make copies for parents who could not attend
  • End an evening by forming a circle holding hands and singing a favourite carol

So an early night probably tonight. Judy promises to bring home pizza as a treat as we ate supper before 4pm......

Good night


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