June 7th 2019

Oh! Sun!

Hello sunshine.
Now what to do with it.

I ended up spending 6 hours
With Dad at Valleyview.
His arm was so swollen
I considered emergency.
So, I took away his tray
And spent a couple hours
Massaging some circulation
Back into it and put the sling
(Which he hates but should use)
On him to see if that helps.

Home again,
I cleaned up the house...
For not being here much
We must be slobs!!!

I made pulled pork to simmer
For tonight's supper,
And made a tortellini casserole
For supper.
John put in a veggie garden
And that was the day....

Came upstairs to go to bed
And put laundry away
And cleaned our room.

I am thinking car detailing!
I am thinking patio furniture cleaning
Just in case we get a good saturday
For breaking in our new bonfire pit.
I am thinking
(maybe I better lay down again)
Mowing the yard?????????

Good morning from John Street


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