June 20th 2019

Life is about balance right?

I apparently like to do a teter totter
Kind of lifestyle though!

Tuesday was a ridiculous
Series of to do's and accomplishments
And this is what I did yesterday;

One week ago de-hydrated
Today 2.5L of water before 10am.
Managed to get the last
Of my testing done this morning

Missed a book mobile meeting

Got to LDO
Divided down 6 pads of paper
Into a bunch of kits
And did the June swap.

Off to Food Basics
To stock up on pop while it's on sale.

Where shorts and tank tops
Are appropriate clothing.


Yup not a fruitful day for Deb.

Today is coffee with Dad day.
Hopefully dry enough outside because
It is usually 900 degrees in the lobby.

I already have to refill the store cabinet
From what I have heard!
Good thing I got all that stuff sewn
And lots of back up bought!!!!

A pit stop to pick up some donations
For our upcoming crop.

I do not think there is anything else
On my to do list.

Good morning from John Street


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