Wednesday July 23rd 2014
How does one say: "I am glad it wasn't MY daughter!"
when that infers it was ok to be someone else's daughter?
There is no right way or politically correct way to say this.
I am glad, that I taught my daughter to use her voice.
To stand up for others, even if they have done her wrong at some point.
I am proud of her strength and character.
She is not perfect. She has faults.
But I am so glad her faults do not lie in places that can cause her or others harm.
She knows right from wrong, and is willing to stand up and say so.
She makes me proud.
I hope that what she learns this summer,
even though not all her experiences have been good ones...
and they may have taken another small part of her childhood away,
that she will soon come home to me safe, strong and smarter.

just say a prayer for the safety of everyone's daughter,
I think that would be a good wish to make.
Good Night
How does one say: "I am glad it wasn't MY daughter!"
when that infers it was ok to be someone else's daughter?
There is no right way or politically correct way to say this.
I am glad, that I taught my daughter to use her voice.
To stand up for others, even if they have done her wrong at some point.
I am proud of her strength and character.
She is not perfect. She has faults.
But I am so glad her faults do not lie in places that can cause her or others harm.
She knows right from wrong, and is willing to stand up and say so.
She makes me proud.
I hope that what she learns this summer,
even though not all her experiences have been good ones...
and they may have taken another small part of her childhood away,
that she will soon come home to me safe, strong and smarter.

just say a prayer for the safety of everyone's daughter,
I think that would be a good wish to make.
Good Night
Thinking of you.. hoping all is okay with Judy