Monday July 14 2014
The word alone forms an instant mental picture of royalty and tiaras and long sweeping dresses.
Every mother's heart however, believes that every child is too.
Even in camouflauge.....
Do I wish my daughter was different? Parts of me scream yes, but I KNOW I would never change anything about my camo princess.
My little (hahahha) girl has chosen a path that few can say they want to take. A man's world for sure. She is open about her choice, and we stand firmly beside her, giving her the support she needs.
I am always a little amazed when she speaks of her future and her plans. She is so literate about why she wants to be a part of the military and yet can't string 2 sentences together at times to explain what she has done during the day. Her vision is not oblivious to the dangers she will face, although sometimes she is not always certain of ALL that will come, she does what she is meant to do with grace and love, with thoughts of the good her life's decision will make, not about how much money she could have.
I laugh sometimes at the thought of John and I filling out forms and being asked questions when we applied so many years ago to adopt a child.
boy or girl?
I IMMEDIATELY said boy, overalls and dump trucks, workboots and being a soccer mom.
John looked at me puzzled and said, girl! Pretty dresses, ruffled socks and pony tails.
Aren't we glad now, that in Judy, we got both!
How strange that our beautiful daughter can look so much like us
and fill both of our wish lists!
She is a beautiful young woman now, long dark hair, makeup and amazing personality, but is also able to crawl in mud flats, change the oil in a car and shoot a gun.
My heart breaks each summer night I go to bed and pass her empty room, but soars every time I get a message from her.
I am sure she will never realize how fast that little tiny child crawled into my heart so many years ago while asking why we lived in this house......
and then said I LOVE YOU to me for the first time.
The word alone forms an instant mental picture of royalty and tiaras and long sweeping dresses.
Every mother's heart however, believes that every child is too.
Even in camouflauge.....
Do I wish my daughter was different? Parts of me scream yes, but I KNOW I would never change anything about my camo princess.
My little (hahahha) girl has chosen a path that few can say they want to take. A man's world for sure. She is open about her choice, and we stand firmly beside her, giving her the support she needs.
I am always a little amazed when she speaks of her future and her plans. She is so literate about why she wants to be a part of the military and yet can't string 2 sentences together at times to explain what she has done during the day. Her vision is not oblivious to the dangers she will face, although sometimes she is not always certain of ALL that will come, she does what she is meant to do with grace and love, with thoughts of the good her life's decision will make, not about how much money she could have.
I laugh sometimes at the thought of John and I filling out forms and being asked questions when we applied so many years ago to adopt a child.
boy or girl?
I IMMEDIATELY said boy, overalls and dump trucks, workboots and being a soccer mom.
John looked at me puzzled and said, girl! Pretty dresses, ruffled socks and pony tails.
Aren't we glad now, that in Judy, we got both!
How strange that our beautiful daughter can look so much like us
and fill both of our wish lists!
She is a beautiful young woman now, long dark hair, makeup and amazing personality, but is also able to crawl in mud flats, change the oil in a car and shoot a gun.
My heart breaks each summer night I go to bed and pass her empty room, but soars every time I get a message from her.
I am sure she will never realize how fast that little tiny child crawled into my heart so many years ago while asking why we lived in this house......
and then said I LOVE YOU to me for the first time.
I love you too Warrant Officer Shannon.
I can't wait to see you in August.
I can't wait to see you in August.
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