Sunday July 6 2014
To ask and be given a beautiful Sunny Sunday, what a lovely day.
We got up and began work on the front yard.
The front garden now has 7 bags of mulch, the whole front yard is mowed and weed whacked too. The neighbor came over to take a photo of me actually working to prove I do.... yeah he is a funny guy.
I started trimming the spiral tree in the front yard... but had to put that off because the front yard was in full sun and I was taking no chances.
After giving Dennis a call, he and John took on the giant job of trimming the lilac hedge. My lovely 15 year old hedge was planted at our housewarming party in 1998. Due to neighbor stupidity and a very harsh winter with a lot of snow, my 3 small Jack McFarland lilacs (pink) were decimated. The front and back of this hedge runs the entire length of the rhf side of the property. Originally the plan was to bring this 14 foot hedge to an 8 foot height but after much deliberation, they chose instead to bring it down to a 10 foot height with hedge clippers for the time being. It is much less dense now and after I trim off the dead and unwanted pieces, I will be filling it in with mulch and taking an after shot. I do have some yearling lilacs up for grabs. When I finish I will try very hard to take the photo from the same location.
Later John and I watched a movie, walked the dog and ate homemade pizza.
No word from Judy tonight. When she called earlier today, she announced they gave her an office!!!!

We are just so proud of our little tater tot. It doesn't seem so long ago..............
circa 2007ish
Tomorrow we are headed south of the border to go shopping in Michigan (and hopefully lunch at a Golden Corral). So it is off to bed for me as 7am is not a good look on me!
Good night all....... if anyone is reading this.
To ask and be given a beautiful Sunny Sunday, what a lovely day.
We got up and began work on the front yard.
The front garden now has 7 bags of mulch, the whole front yard is mowed and weed whacked too. The neighbor came over to take a photo of me actually working to prove I do.... yeah he is a funny guy.
I started trimming the spiral tree in the front yard... but had to put that off because the front yard was in full sun and I was taking no chances.
After giving Dennis a call, he and John took on the giant job of trimming the lilac hedge. My lovely 15 year old hedge was planted at our housewarming party in 1998. Due to neighbor stupidity and a very harsh winter with a lot of snow, my 3 small Jack McFarland lilacs (pink) were decimated. The front and back of this hedge runs the entire length of the rhf side of the property. Originally the plan was to bring this 14 foot hedge to an 8 foot height but after much deliberation, they chose instead to bring it down to a 10 foot height with hedge clippers for the time being. It is much less dense now and after I trim off the dead and unwanted pieces, I will be filling it in with mulch and taking an after shot. I do have some yearling lilacs up for grabs. When I finish I will try very hard to take the photo from the same location.
Later John and I watched a movie, walked the dog and ate homemade pizza.
No word from Judy tonight. When she called earlier today, she announced they gave her an office!!!!

We are just so proud of our little tater tot. It doesn't seem so long ago..............
circa 2007ish
Tomorrow we are headed south of the border to go shopping in Michigan (and hopefully lunch at a Golden Corral). So it is off to bed for me as 7am is not a good look on me!
Good night all....... if anyone is reading this.
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