Saturday July 12 2014
I have never been to a funeral for a child. Today was my first one.
The feelings at such an event are overwhelming, and not all sad.
I suppose like any funeral, it is all in the way someone looks at the situation.
I think the saddest part of the funeral is for those who are still here.
Those someone left behind.
In this case a mother, father and young brother PLUS the family.
There is so much you want to say but can't or think it would be incorrect.
This funeral however was a celebration. Every funeral should have bubbles. This was one of her favourite things and we took it literally and stood and made bubbles throughout the service.
As the 6 hatted LDO ladies put their wands in the wind today, a breeze came through and blew the bubbles for a little girl who will be missed.
The reception hall was set up like a tea party. with colorful quilts decorating the walls to hide the dart boards, colorful cupcakes, finger sandwiches, pink lemonade and smiles as the photos of her life played on the tvs. This was not a hushed and quiet room, there were giggles and smiles of those remembering a little girl who had had to say good bye.

The rest of my day was very quiet. I spent it in the comfort of my home relaxing and making plans for my tomorrows. My wish for my friends and family is to attempt not to waste any moment you are given. It may too soon be your time to say good bye.... and no one is ever really ready.
Good night
I have never been to a funeral for a child. Today was my first one.
The feelings at such an event are overwhelming, and not all sad.
I suppose like any funeral, it is all in the way someone looks at the situation.
I think the saddest part of the funeral is for those who are still here.
Those someone left behind.
In this case a mother, father and young brother PLUS the family.
There is so much you want to say but can't or think it would be incorrect.
This funeral however was a celebration. Every funeral should have bubbles. This was one of her favourite things and we took it literally and stood and made bubbles throughout the service.
As the 6 hatted LDO ladies put their wands in the wind today, a breeze came through and blew the bubbles for a little girl who will be missed.
The reception hall was set up like a tea party. with colorful quilts decorating the walls to hide the dart boards, colorful cupcakes, finger sandwiches, pink lemonade and smiles as the photos of her life played on the tvs. This was not a hushed and quiet room, there were giggles and smiles of those remembering a little girl who had had to say good bye.

The rest of my day was very quiet. I spent it in the comfort of my home relaxing and making plans for my tomorrows. My wish for my friends and family is to attempt not to waste any moment you are given. It may too soon be your time to say good bye.... and no one is ever really ready.
Good night
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