Monday July 21st 2014
I just know there is a part of your body that KNOWS when you are time restricted!

You know those mornings when you just can't seem to move,
and BELIEVE that the snooze button is your friend?
The morning there are no underwear left in the drawer,
or the dog wants to dance around your legs instead of go outside.
The morning you drive through a speed trap,
even though you KNOW they always sit there,
and do not notice he is following you for a couple blocks
because you are singing,
and when you do see the lights
- SLAM - on your brakes and scare even the policeman.

The morning you must look
as frazzled as you feel,
because the lovely police officer
tells you to keep going
CAREFULLY without giving a ticket to you.
Yeah and that is how I started my morning today.
On my way to North London for Remikade.
I did however manage my infusion with grace and no tears today.
I also went alone and with no medication on board.
Headed home via Hully Gully, who were out of the SNAPped newspaper,
Lens Mills who do not consider summer furniture part. of their summer sale,
and finally to the video store,
where for 1 full hour of peace and quiet,
I chose 10 movies I wanted to watch this week.
It was a pyjama day here.
I am still having serious pain
but DID make a doctors appointment for friday.
I ate 3 meals today.
I didn't take pain meds at all.
I rested on the sofa.
I played my farm game.
I watched movies.
I relaxed for a change.
and with any luck
that is what I will accomplish tomorrow as well.
Staying calm,
staying put
and settling down my stupid crohn's attack.
Good Night from St Thomas
I just know there is a part of your body that KNOWS when you are time restricted!

You know those mornings when you just can't seem to move,
and BELIEVE that the snooze button is your friend?
The morning there are no underwear left in the drawer,
or the dog wants to dance around your legs instead of go outside.
The morning you drive through a speed trap,
even though you KNOW they always sit there,
and do not notice he is following you for a couple blocks
because you are singing,
and when you do see the lights
- SLAM - on your brakes and scare even the policeman.

The morning you must look
as frazzled as you feel,
because the lovely police officer
tells you to keep going
CAREFULLY without giving a ticket to you.
Yeah and that is how I started my morning today.
On my way to North London for Remikade.
I did however manage my infusion with grace and no tears today.
I also went alone and with no medication on board.
Headed home via Hully Gully, who were out of the SNAPped newspaper,
Lens Mills who do not consider summer furniture part. of their summer sale,
and finally to the video store,
where for 1 full hour of peace and quiet,
I chose 10 movies I wanted to watch this week.
It was a pyjama day here.
I am still having serious pain
but DID make a doctors appointment for friday.
I ate 3 meals today.
I didn't take pain meds at all.
I rested on the sofa.
I played my farm game.
I watched movies.
I relaxed for a change.
and with any luck
that is what I will accomplish tomorrow as well.
Staying calm,
staying put
and settling down my stupid crohn's attack.
Good Night from St Thomas
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