Friday July 25th 2014
My day started at icky o'clock in the morning. I had a doctor's appointment at 8am. What kind of idiot agrees to an appointment at that time? Yup, that would be me.
I went to see the gastronoligist got the all clear on my test results. I am however going to need iron regularly. We are going to try it in pill format and hope that it will work. Otherwise we are back to blood transfusions. The diagnosis for now is the stress of June caused my attack. We will wait one month and if it does not improve, they may move my remikade to every 5 weeks.
I then went off to see the surgeon to arrange an appointment with the plastic surgeon. The test results put me in a good position to get the surgery approved. Unfortunately, the surgery booking could be a year from now as it is not imperative to have immediately. BUT at least we are moving forward.

After checking in with a friend, at his grandmother's funeral, I headed off to do some chores.
Movies gotten for the weekend, and I headed home to start the household clean up. After successfully cleaning up two huge messes, a friend showed up to help go through 7 boxes of halloween donations. Proudly I can say I only kept a very small box of items!
After supper, I was cleaning up the scrapbooking items (the last job I had) when I, in an incredibly stupid move, kicked a chair and I think rebroke the toe I broke 1 month ago..... really?????? I need bubble wrap.
I got a phone call and Judy is home. She is with John in the truck tonight and will arrive around lunch tomorrow. I am so happy she is home again.
Tomorrow I will be spending the day gathering furniture for my niece's new apartment, wrapping up some toys for my nephew's 3rd birthday and making a gigantic dinner for my family. Plans are for a stuffed chicken, spinach mashed potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli, creamed corn and biscuits with a pumpkin spice carrot cake cream cheese belated birthday cake.
Life goes back to normal (or as normal as my life ever is) tomorrow
and I am very happy about that!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good night
My day started at icky o'clock in the morning. I had a doctor's appointment at 8am. What kind of idiot agrees to an appointment at that time? Yup, that would be me.
I went to see the gastronoligist got the all clear on my test results. I am however going to need iron regularly. We are going to try it in pill format and hope that it will work. Otherwise we are back to blood transfusions. The diagnosis for now is the stress of June caused my attack. We will wait one month and if it does not improve, they may move my remikade to every 5 weeks.
I then went off to see the surgeon to arrange an appointment with the plastic surgeon. The test results put me in a good position to get the surgery approved. Unfortunately, the surgery booking could be a year from now as it is not imperative to have immediately. BUT at least we are moving forward.

After checking in with a friend, at his grandmother's funeral, I headed off to do some chores.
Movies gotten for the weekend, and I headed home to start the household clean up. After successfully cleaning up two huge messes, a friend showed up to help go through 7 boxes of halloween donations. Proudly I can say I only kept a very small box of items!
After supper, I was cleaning up the scrapbooking items (the last job I had) when I, in an incredibly stupid move, kicked a chair and I think rebroke the toe I broke 1 month ago..... really?????? I need bubble wrap.
I got a phone call and Judy is home. She is with John in the truck tonight and will arrive around lunch tomorrow. I am so happy she is home again.
Tomorrow I will be spending the day gathering furniture for my niece's new apartment, wrapping up some toys for my nephew's 3rd birthday and making a gigantic dinner for my family. Plans are for a stuffed chicken, spinach mashed potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli, creamed corn and biscuits with a pumpkin spice carrot cake cream cheese belated birthday cake.
Life goes back to normal (or as normal as my life ever is) tomorrow
and I am very happy about that!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good night
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