I woke with a startle this morning to incredible pain.....everywhere. Apparently my body is rebelling at the idea of cleaning the house with the fervor I used yesterday. I finally went to bed at 3am! and then no sleep till 5am. Yup my body said "what are you stupid? Judy will not even notice." So I went back to bed hoping tylenol would help. At 11am I woke again..... it was not going to be a * tylenol will fix this* kind of day. I thought movement would help, so I stripped the beds and piled all the sheets and comforters into 2 baskets and lumbered down the stairs. Moaning and groaning I somehow got it in the truck, grabbed a coke and headed off to the laundromat. A/C and 1 hour later, everything was clean again. I started back through the process to get everything back home. This time I decided Robaxacet would be my friend. I jumped into a cool shower, put on pyjamas and headed down to relax and rest.
Judy and John arrived home about 3pm. A very excited beagle danced around everywhere, as, for the first time since mid June, all 3 of us were in the house at the same time. After a lot of hello's and hugs, Judy was off to unpack and John took a shower and off for a nap.
Our first family meal was a roasted chicken and stuffing, mashed potatoes, cream corn, fresh carrots, broccoli and cauliflower and corn muffins. Everyone ate too much! But it was nice to be all together again.
It is now only 9pm and my daughter is headed to bed, I am working on only about 6 hours sleep, and John is now wide awake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! figures.

Tomorrow my oldest great-nephew turns 3! already! AND my whole family can go to the party.... together. We are even taking Shooter. Cake and a bbq, yay! Happy Birthday Noah.
Good night from a very tired
but happy mom of a cadet who is home again.
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