Nov 25


One month from today
And I will be celebrating
Christmas Day.

Today was not about celebrating.
Was all about moving in
To my Mom's condo.

John agreed to do coffee at Valleyview
While I figured out
How to get Mom in the shower!
Easier than expected,
She was all cleaned up,
Clean pjs and exhausted.
I tucked her in
And she was asleep right away.

That meant I was free
To start the condo to do list...
I started in the basement
And moved through the house.

I was at 4 pages in no time.

I started with tearing apart
The refrigerator.
I was tossing items,
Cleaning shelves and
Making a grocery list
While I went.

Got Mom some breakfast,
When John arrived.
I had Mom comfy and tucked in,
So I headed out with the lists.
Stop #1 - our house.
I packed a bag
And grabbed my pillow.
Stop #2 - Freshco.
I had a list for our house
And a list for the condo.
Stop #3 - Dollarama.
I had a bunch of small items
2 of which I did not find.
Stop #4 - Home Hardware.
I wanted an aerator for the kitchen
Sink and a furnace filter.

Back to the condo,
I started putting the fridge
Which was all clean now,
Back together and reloading.
Groceries were another story.
My Mom has a weird system
And I can never find anything.
If I have to do all the cooking
For the foreseeable future...
So I reorganized and set up
In a way that made sense to me.

I downsized the huge amount
Of candy she had on hand,
I organized cupboards
And started dinner.

Next job,
Stocking drinks and clearing counters.
Mom keeps a food processor out
I exchanged that item
for a coffee maker in its place.
The suddenly I looked over
And not only was the counter clear
The island was too!!!!
I was actually dancing.

Dinner was yummy,
And plenty for lunches this week.
I got a load of laundry (mine) done
And almost all levels
Of the condo are clean
Or on the to do list,
I have a lot less now only 2 pages long.

Mom still needs the pain killers
Every 4 to 6 hours,
But she can walk to and from
Her enquire with very little issue.
She even figured out
Hot to roll on her side now.

Tomorrow is Remicade,
So a super early ugly o'clock
To get Mom ready before I leave.
I am going to spend my infusion
Making a photo book
As a Christmas gift.

I do have to grab a few hangers
Before heading downstairs,
To MY room (for those who
Think otherwise... hahhahhaha)
So I can put away my clothes.
I want to watch this
Food channel show.

I am looking at decorating
A chandelier and a mirror
Before making supper.

So a Merry 30 days before Christmas
From Vineden Drive


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