Nov 24
Phone rang at 11
And woke me up out of
A dead sleep!
I had been awake
To let Tink out to pee
But went back to bed
And right back to sleep.
The phone call was from Mom
And they were kicking her out
So could I come get her.....
Well anyone who knows me,
Knows I like figure a plan
And work on it.
THIS week was not part
Of today's plan!!!
Ok. Reconfigure....
So, drove to n London,
packed mom up,
got her in car,
brought back home to st thomas
with a hamburger.
Unloaded mom,
got her into bed,
ordered meds,
drove home,
loaded van for salvation army,
drove there,
unloaded and set up 50 cent stuff
and wreaths,
2hrs sold lots
and got Charlotte to stop
by Mom's at 8:30 tonight,
I repacked and loaded van,
Drove home,
Packed to stay overnight,
went to Yureks to pick up meds,
drove to condo,
put all hospital stuff away,
Did exercises with Mom....
Sat for 20 min (used timer)
Got ready to go out,
In 6 hours.
John's Christmas party
Was at Yuk Yuks.
Turkey dinner buffet
And some rather unfunny comedians.
We were also given casino vouchers
Which we used
To play for a couple hours!
Come home with almost $110!!!!!!
Grabbed some fries for Mom
And headed for the condo.
John has agreed to do coffee
At Valleyview in the morning,
While I get Mom up and showered.
Going to do some grocery shopping
And cooking tomorrow.
My mom's house has nothing.
Good night from Vineden Drive
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