Nov 27


It was a painful start
To get to sleep last night,
Plus had to go help Mom twice.

I woke up a little tired
And good intentions
Of having a nap this morning.
After I got Mom
All cleaned up and situated...
And I was heading to lay back down,
I got a call to fill in
At tonight's quarterpalooza.

I spent the next 5 hours,
Not only taking care of Mom...
But also making 9 new wreaths,
Making lunch and cleaning up
And getting Mom ready
To hang around alone tonight.

I then packed up the van
To get over to the hall by 5:30.
A quick set up and I was ready.

A fun night.
I grabbed Mom a sundae
Before heading to the condo.
(As requested)

Mom is doing great!
Today she only JUST asked
For pain killers now....
That's 24 hours since the last one.

I am completely exhausted now.

Good night from Vineden Drive


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