Nov 13


What a day and it just seemed
To be gone before I could start!

Up and out the door,
After starting a load of laundry
Just after 9am.

I was off to start errands.

1) tea.... It was cold out

2) flower for Mom from Dad

3) get to Dollar Tree
Before paratransit arrived with Dad

I swear he inspected every inch
Of that store at 1 inch per hour.
He did a good job
Of filling the cart with party items
And Christmas stocking items.

4) travel across the parking lot
And go to WalMart with Dad

We had a list
and did a pretty good job
Of finding most of it
Even though it is in renovations.

5) meet Mom at the in store McDonalds
And have lunch together
Before paratransit picked him up

6) pick up some ornaments
In new St Thomas
(So new it is not on GPS)

7) meet Mom at Giant Tiger
And pick up some groceries

8) meet someone at Staples
To pick up some fabric

9) off to downtown St Thomas
To pick up some pillow forms

10) home.
Hung 2nd load of laundry,
Hung new front porch curtains,
Made curry sauce for some curry chicken,
Put away groceries,
Straightened kitchen
Eat supper

11) buy movie tickets for the Grinch

12) pick up Mom

13) pit stop at Dollar Store before movie

14) home again after driving Mom home
To cut part of a cake
Into dog biscuit shapes
To end up with a scooby snack cake

15) Got John off to work
And got the garbage out for tomorrow

16) Made banana chocolate chip
And citrus smartie cookie dough
To bake at LDO tomorrow

17) packed up Dad's purchases
Until wrapping day with him

18) Bagged up all the gingerbread
House decorations for sunday

19) cleaned the kitchen,
Washed the counters down,
Loaded and started dishwasher

20) packed several projects
And baking supplies
To accomplish for the day at LDO

21) straightened the living room
And front porch

Now I have locked to everything up
And realized it's almost 1:30!!!!!

Good night from John Street


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