Jan 8th 2021

Odd morning!
I was awake before 9am
And then suddenly it was 11!!!

A busy day.
Curbside pickup of a late arriving
Christmas gift for mom,
Gas in car,
Deliver gift,
Pick up my meds
And then home for
A phone meeting and lunch at 1pm.

An afternoon working 
On the "happiness project",
Prepping homemade pizza for supper,
A load of laundry,
A bit of decorating on 2 trees
And general house straightening
Before doing more painting.

John was un later than usual
So we had supper 
And then tried to figure out
Why there was a larger than a few
Fireworks being set off.
Some tv
And I had the pleasure
Of watching John clean the kitchen.

Now it is time
To send him off
On 1 more run
Before he has a week off.

Good night from John Street


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