Jan 18th 2021

My weekend of decorating 
Was very successful.
Even the front porch is tidied
donations neatly boxed
And ready to go when that starts again.

I popped out to the bank
And noticed no cars at dollar tree.
Thankfully my list
Was already in my phone!
A quick trip in and out
And back home 
- just in time too!
The wood for the garage wood stove
Was arriving!

I remade all the dining room bows
And refurbished a large 
Floor vase flower arrangement
And added lights to a sidebar 
4' floral spray.

A light supper tonight
And then a silly movie
Called "charming" which
Was a spoof on the Disney princesses.

After getting John off to work
(Yes! He has gone back
And normal routine will return)
I straightened the kitchen,
Ran the dishwasher,
And took my house back.

I am heading upstairs
So I will straighten the guitar room
And put my laundry away
Crawling into the bed
And enjoying a whole night's sleep
Alone once again.

What will I do when he retires?

Good night from John Street


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