Jan 4th 2021

I got my errands done
And then even arriver early
For remicade at 1pm.

Today begins day 1 
of the mandatory 7 day lock out
Of everyone and day 1
Of the "advised" 14 days.

The nurses today 
were telling us that we might 
want to be extra careful 
with everything that's going on.

She also confirmed my suspicions
that we remicaders will NOT 
Be near the first of those
Getting infused for covid. 
In fact currently 
It rests in our specialists hands 
if it's going to be a good idea at all.

I need plan to not waste 
2 whole weeks just sitting around
Doing nothing at all.

I am going to start tomorrow
By trying to clean up after
2 days of sleepy laziness.

Good night from John Street


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