March 9


Hello friday.

Coffee at Mom's at 11.
I was awake at 8
But didn't get up until 9:30!!! Lazy.
But not for long.

Up, dressed, hair AND makeup!
Went down and washed
2 loads of towels
And a load of dishes!
Chatted online,
Dealt with  and a bit of straightening.

The wet towels came with me.
Might as well use Mom's dryer
While we chatted!

Coffe was very lively
With lots of conversation around the table.
After 2 with my folded towels
I headed off to London.

Happy with a couple deals at Michaels
I popped over to Home Sense
Where I located a couple oversize
Black storage boxes,
And Dollarama for a few Easter item
Our local one did not have,
Then Dollar Tree
who did not have page sleeves.
Back to Michaels
For a pad of paper I had been
On the fence about,
Then over to the major Dollar Tree
On Wellington where I got the page sleeves.

Back to St Thomas.
Bank for change because I am vendoring
At a crop tomorrow,
And gas cause, well, the car needed it!

Finally home,
The work began.
Empty the car....
Put away stuff I bought.
Mail opened, I found my return address
Labels for my birthday invites!
I sat down and put them on
While John made a Pizza
And some coconut shrimp!

After eating I got to work;
50 cent stuff packed and in car
door prize wrapped
3 new albumsito build packed
washed dishes
***kitchen immaculate
John happily out the door
3rd load of laundry washed & hung up
2 loads of laundry and towels put away
meds taken and alarm set for crop
Now bed finally....

Some days....
Just wear you out!

Sunday I contemplated forgiveness
Monday I added life back to my plans
Tuesday I added what I want to work on
Wednesday I added playing and crafting
Thursday I decided friendship is necessary
Friday I need me time

Good night from John Street


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