March 20
The hubby arrived home early today!
That means up and at em
To get off the upper floor.
Quick work of getting dressed,
And upstairs chores
So he can hit the hay.
Chat challenge today
Was all about the alphabet!
Start with a
and do something that starts with it
like a - awake
b - bed made
c- coffee d - dressed
Some letters were definitely challenging!
Managed multiples of some letters
But reache N by 3ish,
Just as John got up.
N for nap time.
Laid down until 5.
Got dinner finished,
Baked ham, rice and candied carrots
With a homemade apple crisp
For dessert.
Spent the evening
Precutting 4 more albums.
This time with a Christmas theme,
While John took a nap.
Forgiveness to myself for
Things I hold myself accountable.
Life and plans should co-exist.
What I want to work on should not be
Exclusively to get out of other chores.
Playing and crafting but not at
The expense of my chores all the time.
Friendship fading is not always
The fault of one of you.
Alone time doesn't mean a week,
Sometimes just an hour is enough.
A talent unused is a talent wasted.
Z is for zero energy left!!!!!
Good night from John Street
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