March 10
Ugly o'clock is ugly o'clock
No matter WHAT the reason is
That you had to get up.
Thank goodness I packed last night
Cause I am NOT a morning person.
A shower helped,
Clothes, hair and even makeup!
In the car with a tea by 8:30am
After feeding the troops
And checking in with hubby.
Set my on board GPS for London
Cracked the sun roof
(the car gets really warm fast)
Cranked the Sirius radio 80's channel
And blasted out of St Thomas.
Arrived on time (Yes ON time)
And was shown to my place
One table over from those noisy LDO'ers.
By 11 I had precut 2 albums!!!!!!
Sold a ton of old stock for 25 cents
And donated the rest to charity.
It was time to get the 50 cent Lady
In gear and display the embellishments.
A good turn out at SHEILA's crop today.
I had a very good time
At my non- LDO table
But was still close enough to play
With them too!
By 1pm after lunch
I had the finished precutting 2 more albums
For a total of 4!
LDO this week,
Will find me glueing them together
ready for pictures and embellishments
The following week.
John had texted me that he was making
A big dinner and I promised
To pick up some dessert.
That was my next stop after the crop.
I was hungry so I had to curb the urge
To buy a lot of junk.
Got some deals and headed home.
John unloaded while I put away
The groceries etc.
He had made roast beef, carrots,
Mashed potatoes, squash,
brocolli and cauliflower.
So I made him gravy.
Supper was delicious,
But hubbies use WaaaaaaaaaaaY
More dishes and utensils than we do.
So the kitchen was a mess.
I dove in.
Washed 3/4 of the dishes
And then made a pineapple
Upside down cake for my Dad tomorrow
(It's my week to bring lunch)
And finished the dishes.
Was planning to sit down,
But realized 8:30 meant 9:30 with
The time change tonight! Frig.
Back to work packing the picnic tote.
John isn't feeling 100%
So he was put to bed.
I am sitting comfortably relaxing
For another 30 minutes.
Sunday I contemplated forgiveness
Monday I added life back to my plans
Tuesday I added what I want to work on
Wednesday I added playing and crafting
Thursday I decided friendship is necessary
Friday I realized I need me (alone) time
Saturday I became aware of forgotten talent
All in all a great day
That started at ugly o'clock!!!!!
Good night from John Street
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