March 22
9am felt like the break of dawn,
And I had slept on and under
A big pile of concrete blocks!
But. It was a day I had to move!
Donuts with Dad day.
So, I reluctantly got moving.
I figured if I had to do stuff,
I was going to look like something!
So I washed and styled my hair,
Pulled out a beloved dress...
I have misplaced my Jean jacket!
Piled myself into the car
And off to Timmies to pick up treats,
And then off to do coffee.
Dad was waiting.
He picked out Sunday supper,
Talked on the phone,
Called and arranged a wheelchair repair,
And in general
(Other than being tired)
Was in pretty fine form!
I left there at lunch time
And headed over to drop off some paper
To someone who does NOT stock
Anything Disney... but I do.
I visited till 1
When I headed over
To the women's shelter
To drop off some coats.
I headed home for some lunch.
John was still not home,
So I decided to go run some errands,
And get the groceries.
Home again,
After a pit stop at the beer store,
And I started supper.
John would not be up early,
As he didn't get home until almost 4.
Made veal Parmesan, veggie lasagna
And Garlic rolls.
Groceries away,
I sat with a bowl of candy
And watched some tv.
Other than doing some laundry,
Putting away some laundry
And cleaning the kitchen
Because my stove is being repaired
At some point tomorrow,
****THAT was fast!
I didn't do much else.
Forgiveness is sometimes not necessary
Sometimes you only assume you are wrong!
Adding life back to my plans
Does not mean I need to gogogo all the time!
What I need to work on
Is sometimes learning to sit and relax!
Playing and crafting is fun
But again does not need to be 24\7!
True friendship is continuing a conversation
After not speaking for a period of time.
Me (alone) time is not as decadent
As it is necessary to stay sane!
A talent doesn't have to be artistic
I envy those who can make rice Kristie squares!
Good night from John Street
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