March 13


I had 1 goal and 1 hope.
Goal accomplished,
Hope put off ... again.

I may not have gotten that
"Hope I get to it" chore accomplished,
But I did scratch off a lot!

I started the day
By making some pumpkin scones,
Ready for John to devour
With his morning coffee
When he walked in the door.

Couple loads of laundry got done,
And when he went to bed,
I did a tour of our in-town
Second hand stores.

6 of 13 books were located
At a wonderful second hand book store!
I put away the new finds
And have 8 to pass on
To someone who also likes Koontz.
***they are already in my car to go

I also found some Louis Lamour
Westerns for my Dad!

I finally framed a wonderful
Disney painting I received
and it looks great!

I made a late supper for 2,
For my recovering sickie and I,
And cleaned our kitchen again.
Homemade Mac and cheese,
Comfort food.

By 9:30,
I was pooped.
Much different than last night
When I was still staring at the clock at 12:30!!!

Using my energies this week to remember:
remembering life and chores and plans
Are all different things,
find things I want to work on
and include playing and crafting.
Keep friends close but remember
To have me (alone) time
and be grateful for all my forgotten talents.

Good night from John Street


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