March 18


Sunday at Valleyview.
It was a St Patrick's dinner.

Lunch over
And about 2pm
3 of us headed for Aylmer
To go see the 1400 swans!
It was awesome again this year.

Back to St Thomas,
Then off to No Frills
where I realized my debit card was at home. Crapadoodles. Mom paid.
Back to St T grabbed card
and $$$ for mom,
Took her to Canadian Tire to fill the car
And show her how to use
an automatic car wash....
She has been going
to the wash you own kind. Sigh!
Over to freshco for strawberry dip
(none left at No Frills).
I unpacked and put away groceries.
Emptied crap out of fridge.
Loaded and washed a sink of dishes,
garbage out, recycling done,
Supper made and eaten.

I got an impromptu invite
Got me out of the house
And off to help someone finish
A bunch of projects littering
Her craft room desk.

On the way home I used a coupon
So I could bring home
Some McDonalds as a treat.
(Including a shamrock shake!)

Now my night is over
And I am ready to sleep
My busy day off.

So forgiveness for what I do
or choose not to do
Life back into my plans
without having chaos return to my world
Add what I want to work on
without sacrificing new experiences
Continue playing and crafting
while not leaving housework on hold
Friendship is saying yes
when no would be easier
Some me (alone) time is necessary
but needs to be balanced with friends
Do not dismiss your talents
Just to make others not see you.

Good night from John Street


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