Dec 6
My voice is now a croak.
Bronchitis in all its glory.
Canceled doing coffee at Valleyview
And set to getting Mom
All arranged and fed.
Then off to MY house.
It looked like I was moving out!
I had that little sports car
Packed right up in record time,
Thanks to a list!
Back to the condo
And got the car unloaded,
The garbage ready to go out
And crashed in a chair.
It was soon noon already
And I made Mom some lunch,
Did the dishes
And was right on time
For the trip to Mt Brydges.
Annual baking trip.
I bought a few cases
And got some to donate
To Grace Cafe too.
We had a full van of cookies.
Got back,
And we munched on some cookies.
I took 4 packages while Mom
Had a nap and dipped them
Each in fresh chocolate!
Felt like crap...but it wasn't long
Before I was on my way
To free Wifi at Tim Hortons.
I had been asked to do
Some Disney photopass photos
But after farting around
With an unco-operative site,
I gave up and bought the disc
Without being able to access
Their editing program.
I did however manage to
Finish Dad's photo book
on a different site!
It will be ready to pick up
For Christmas next week.
Now I was tired.
Now I had a headache.
Took the car and:
Stopped at Yureks for a new puffer
Stopped at the house for boots
Tape, a hat and a parcel.
Stopped at Caroline's for my coat
Stopped at Chinese place for menu
Headed for condo again.
Made Mom some supper,
Got all gifts etc I brought from home
Downstairs and put away.
Time to get dressed,
Some makeup to hide everything
And off to a friend's side
For a visitation at her mother's funeral.
A quick pit stop at Dollar store
Because the snow was not stopping
For some "just in case" items.
FINALLY back to the condo to stay.
We sat watching the snow fall.
I finally gave in and admitted
I needed sleep.
John tucked us both in
And now I am saying....
Good night from Vineden Drive
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