Dec 3


Mom had gotten me up
3 times last night
So I got a late start,
Only to learn
A good friend lost her Mother
This morning.

Mom's therapist says she
Is doing well and is back
To 70% range of motion.

John arrived
So I could get out
And so my running around.

Dropped off an embroidery job,
Returned library books,
Picked up some groceries,
Grabbed some 2" dowels
And hit the 50% off sale at BFM.

Got back
And decorated the front shrub.
Tink and I checked the mail
While John made a new tree pole.

While they had naps,
I made new to do lists
As I have some free time
Coming to me tomorrow.

After supper,
I hit the wreath zone.
My last vendoring job is tomorrow
And it's a quarter auction.
I managed to finish 6
And celebrated with a late night burger.

Now it is 2am
And I am wiped out.
I am cold too!
(Which never happens)

Good night from Vineden Drive


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