Dec 14


A deserved restful morning.
Up early to get Mom settled
And then back to bed
To relax a while longer.

Found a couple things online
That John asked me to look for,
And at 10:30
I headed to MY house
To do some printing.

Otter seem confused to see me.

After getting the items
I needed printed I
Said good night to John,
And I headed back
To finish a project.

Cut and bagged the last chocolates
I made yesterday,
Made 2 cheeseballs for tonight,
Loaded the dishwasher,
Put everything in the car
For both of us
And then cleaned the kitchen.

Once mom had a shower,
I started cleaning
The wrapping area
I have made on the pool table.
My gifts are all sorted now.

Chose clothes for the party,
Showered and took a nap.
A longer nap than intended
And I was too exhausted
Not to hit snooze a couple times!

I finally gave in
And started the whole
Hair and makeup thing.

When I got upstairs,
Mom had managed to get ready
On her own!
She was ready to party!

Thankfully the car was loaded.
I grabbed our drinks for the night
And moved the car out
to where she could get in easily.

No problems getting in
Or out of the car
AND she had no problems
With her first 2 stairs tonight!

The party was loud
With a really good turn out
So much fun and more than enough
To eat for days!

At 9:30 Mom was ready to go.
Not bad for her first real outing.
Both of us yawned
All the way home...
She went right to bed,
But I had to go back for my purse,
Pick up some tupperware
To put away all my treats,
And come back to take down
The fire alarm (needs new batteries.

Now bed.

Good night from Vineden Drive


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