Dec 18
I had a list when I went upstairs
Of things I wanted to accomplish,
Even in an order that cut down
The driving time I would need.
THAT was adjusted by a Mom
Who is definitely getting better...
But frustrated with her limitations.
We butted heads a couple times
But it's all good now.
In the end,
My day was just rotated 90 degrees
And where I was going to start
Was where I ended up.
** not the whole list though sadly.
Accomplishment #1
The upstairs tree is DONE!
So the dining room table is cleared
Accomplishment #2
Dad's new 4' tree is decorated
AND delivered! It's train themed.
Accomplishment #3
All donations loaded in car
AND gone too!
Found some lime green fur
While I was there! Yay me
Accomplishment #4
Grocery list is made for the holidays
AND 80 per cent bought now.
Accomplishment #5
More wrapping is done
And 3 missing gifts found by a friend
In the US of A today.
Accomplishment #6
Chocolate making will proceed
As planned tomorrow
I bought the necessities today.
Accomplishment #7
John bought me Christmas pj's!
Accomplishment #8
Finally got the paperwork
In this office organized today.
Accomplishment #9
Bought everything for Dad
To make fruitcake on Thursday
As his homemade gift for Mom.
Accomplishment #10
Managed to Coral Tink
When he found a REAL bunny
To chase in the backyard today!
Accomplishment #11
Got Mom out to Valleyview
To have supper with Dad (Popeye's)
Accomplishment #12
Picked up the groceries
That John requested
Accomplishment #13
Reprinted a photo from May 1960
For a requested gift I am sure
Someone thinks I forgot about
And framed it!
Accomplishment #14
Delivered a refurbished wreath,
A couple gifts
AND an overfull stocking.
Wish for today?
Less pain and 6 more hours!!!!
Good night from Vineden Drive
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