Dec 13
I woke up later than intended.
Up, dressed and packed.
Mom was off this morning
So she decided to stay in bed.
Off I went,
A quick pick up,
Then tim hortons
And off to Valleyview to do coffee.
Dad was waiting.
Tom and him were really pleased
That I had brought them BOTH
Pork chop lunches with all the
Extras and a slice of cake.
I headed back to the condo
With big plans to complete
Some half finished projects.
Job #1
Peanut butter-marshmallow
chocolates for the LDO party.
I made more than enough to
Pack 20 to hand out
and about the same amount
To sell next week at Valleyview.
(And some to eat of course)
Job #2
Clean the garage.
Get the whole thing cleaned,
Garbage, cardboard and recycling
Ready to go out tonight.
Job #3
Make a friend's Christmas gift.
Job #4
Repair and revamp a friend's wreath.
Job #5
Make 2 Mickey wreaths
To fill 2 orders.
Job #6
Make supper -2- mom wanted soup
And John got pork chops,
Then do the dishes
Including cleaning a deep fryer.
Job #7
Load car with donations
After cleaning both cars.
Job #8
Make a gift wreath for a friend.
Now it's time for some sleep
And relaxation.
Good night from Vineden Drive
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