May 6


Up and on time for church at 9am.

Dropped John off to run his errands
And I headed to Valleyview
To run Sunday morning coffee.

The residents were in fine form
And we even had some singing!

A quick trip home
To get John busy on a garage
Spring clean up.

I was soon off to the theater
To watch a friend in her last show,
Thanks to a different friend
Who managed to get me
A very last minute ticket.

Great production of
Nanny's naughty knickers.

Home by 4 and starving!
We whipped up a potato salad
From leftovers from the bbq last night
And John cooked hamburgers
(In the rain) for us.

A quick kitchen scan
Demanded a little tlc!

Another problem was laundry.
An overwhelming amount
Has accumulated over the last 2
Ridiculously busy weeks.

Tonight we chilled
And watched some tv with our
Feet up and pj's on!

The house will be getting
a spring overhaul!

Good night from John Street


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