May 26


Sleep, wonderful sleep.
I crashed hard last night.

Up at 9:30
I headed out to a plant sale.
Which was a huge disappointment.

Tried reaching John
With (naturally) no answer.

Checked in with Mom,
Did banking.

Got home at the same time
As my lost husband.

He FINALLY got to bed and sleep
And I was off to help
Build Dr Seuss fondant decorations.

On the way home,
A carload of groceries,
A trunk load of plants,
A pond pump and water shut off.

I prepped a fridge full of food,
And got the kitchen clean.

We had a delicious bbq
And did a large amount of weeding
After digging up a huge hosta
For the Valleyview gazebo.

The rain finally came
After we were done.

We sat eating strawberry shortcake
While watching a movie.


Good night from John Street


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