May 18


What? Up at 8am
For NO REASON at all??????

By 10:30am I had;
Dressed, hair and makeup!
Ordered bonfire wood,
Fed and aired out pets,
Made coffee and drank 2,
Had a funny chat with a friend,
Talked to John,
Got Mom dirt and sidewalk stones,
Paid for and arranged delivery of wood,
Coffee at mom's,
Bought ticket for movie tonight,
Beer store,
Freshco and groceries bought, 
Lunch eaten,
Car washed,
Got all the groceries unloaded,
Put away and prepped for weekend,
Cleaned out fridge,
Prepped supper for John,
Got ready for movie date,
And now.....

My whole body is screaming


Obediently I have complied!
Pjs, meds and bedtime.

Happy long weekend
And good night from John Street


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