May 14
Know what sucks?
Alarm clocks that's what!
Dressed and I unpacked
A box of summer wear.
Downstairs and a quick coffee
With John before hitting the road.
Picked up Mom by 9:30am
And after dancing around
Just whose car we were taking,
We ended up in hers
With me driving.
Intense chat during the drive
And arrived at St Joe's in plenty of time
For my 10:30am appointment.
Dr Gregor had more time for me today,
And he let me know
All the blood work came back
And everything was good
And my Remicade levels are fine.
The cat scanning was "alright"
But, in his words,
"It's a mess in there, but we knew that" .
Nothing is perfect,
But no obvious cysts, tumours
Or obstructions.
We discussed my lack of weight loss,
And my recent (almost 6 weeks now)
Giving up of Coca Cola.
My lethargy is from the lack of caffeine
And he advised to drink what I want.
I had replaced Coke with Canada dry,
But the sugars are similiar
So I only was lessening my caffeine intake!
Much deciding left to do
But he pushed me down
No specific path!
He asked if the Coke had caused
Any severe gastro problems
And when I said no,
He asked why I switched!
Left The hospital
And went to Mom's framing store.
Made quick work of finding
What she was looking for
And headed out for lunch.
A trip to Giant Tiger
Found us both with a couple things
We were actually looking for!!!!
Back to St Joes
For Mom to have her eyes ultrasounded
For the lens' to for her surgery.
That took less than an hour.
We left London and headed
Back to St Thomas.
A visit to Dad
And I took Mom home.
When I got home,
John and I did a little planting
And I now have a chive cutting garden!
We also put up a sun shelter
So I can go outside now too!
John spends every spare moment
Tending to his pond garden
Every summer and I can't be
In direct sunlight.
We made homemade pizzas
For supper tonight,
And I am just sendin him off to work.
I hoping to get a restful nights sleep.
A lot of small, clean up type chores
Are on the docket tomorrow.
Good night from John Street
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