May 17


Blog blog blog yeah!

Thursday is "melt at Valleyview" day.
No matter how lightly I dress,
I am always too hot!

Fun conversation with Dad
And coffee with the regulars.

I left there and hit a couple
Of local garden centers.
BACK to Valleyview
To deliver Dad his ever earing
Hanging strawberry plant.

Off to Ryckman
To order 3 yards of garden soil
For our house and then
1.5 yards mulch for Mom's!

Unfortunately the delivery woke John
Who charmed his way into my heart
With the most miserable mood ever.

A friend came over
And between them they got
Our lawn tractor running again.

We bbq'd fish and chips for supper
And I sent John back to bed.
I left to ensure he slept
And I didn't accidentally wake him.

I did NOT enjoy their new Mcflurry.
Too expensive and pathetic
Even after I complained.

Managed to do a bit
For Connie's crop in September.

I am not going to complain,
But I may need to spend
The summer of 2018 Nude!!!!!

Good night from John Street


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