Aug 29


How much food
Is too much food????
I think I can now tell you!

When the idea of a hamburger
Is more appealing
Than filet mignon or lobster!
When your appetizer
was sufficiently filling
You no longer wanted an entree!
When a 3 course dessert
Becomes a chore to eat!

And so today,
I finally reached my "indulgence" wall.
I am laying here groaning
And popping tums!

Talked to Dad and John tonight,
Both were happy to hear our voices.

This morning we had breakfast
At Trattorio on the Boardwalk,
With Ariel and Prince Eric
AND Rapunzel and Flynn!!!
Off to Hollywood Studios after that
To be see some shows
And try some last rides there.

Today I am on pain killers
And moving a bit slowly.
We got rained out of Indianna Jones
Seen the Frozen stage show,
Beauty and Beast live show
And rode Tower of Terror.

Was in line for Aerosmith
When it broke down. Boooo!
Off to dinner early.
The Brown Derby!

We had a lovely meal,
But soooooo much food.
Did I mention I gave in
And used a wheelchair?
It is rained pretty much
All afternoon.

Now I am properly medicated,
Fixed tomorrow's reservations
(To a little later)
And I have fallen asleep twice
While typing this.

Good night from Disney


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