Aug 3
How much can you do?
On 2 hours sleep.
Well yesterday's "weirdness" explained.
My meds are divided for each day,
And at night I pop a handful
Of whatsever for that day.
Last night,
When I dumped them in my hand,
There was 4.
That is 4 pills vs the 13 any other night.
That would mean,
Some of that nights had inadvertently
Been added to the night befores
And I had doubled my chemo meds.
I was exhausted
when I blogged last night
And ready for sleep at 10:30!!
But a rather funny joke reawakened me
So I divided up all my meds.
When that was all done
and a to do list made for today,
I was ready to sleep 11:45!!
But the realization that
I forgot to transfer the mortgage money
Had me up and out in pjs.
Wide awake again I grabbed a snack.
I spent the night reading
And cat napping.
I finally slept at 2 but seen 3:30
And 5:30 and 7:30
And 9am when I gave up and let John
Have the whole bed.
I bagged up everything for my suitcase
And a bunch of returns, repairs
And some exchanges.
I had to run coffee for Mom
As she had an impromptu
Doctors appointment to go to.
My afternoon was a blur:
Call dentist and rebook
CAA books returned
Dad's glasses to eye doctor for repair
$$$ for John
Return brackets to home hardware
Drop off embroidery jobs
Print dad's pic
Do coffee hour at moms
Rebook remicade
All ears - 15 - repaired for wear
Remicade and med paperwork copied
ID copied
All disney clothes, meds and misc packed
Planner boards double checked
Planner book(s) and journal updated
Post it notes with last minute to do's made
By 4pm I was not only hot
But really tired and decided
A nap was my next job.
Apparently that was not going to happen
And after an hour I got up,
Showered and headed downstairs
To find out what was for supper.
BBQ'd burgers!
I was starving.
Mini banana splits for dessert.
I was stuffed!
I sat making lists,
Cause lists make my world go around,
And watched a movie,
While John took
a couple hour nap before work tonight.
By tomorrow night,
We should be tasking ourselves
With reloading the craft room.
I have taken a "slow and steady" approach
To getting John to finish up
The last few jobs,
But tomorrow - I am going to be pushy!
After minimal sleep last night,
This exhausted humanoid
Is GOING to get some sleep tonight!
Good night from John Street
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