Aug 20


Not a particularities
Early day really,
But a hot one and in the park
I find the most uncomfortable.

Today we ALL had scooters
And formed a train
To travel through the park.

Animal Kingdom till now,
Had its great things
But was never my favourite.
It is open later now
And has new stuff to do too.

Not bad,
But the park now needs
2 days of planned days
1 is not enough.

We started the day
At a family favourite restaurant
Tusker House
And finished a very warm day
At the new restaurant

The last things we did
Was the new River of lights show
And the Tree of Life
Light show too.

We managed to get back,
Showered and in bed before 11!
Tomorrow is a late start
So a restful night
Is about to happen.

Good night from Disney


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